Obama: The Power of Democracy
it's too hard to motivate his speech.
because his speech is excellent.
I heard that his speech is best among the presidents of USA .
script :
there... is anyone out there
who still doubts/ that america is a place / where all things are possible
who still wonders / if the dream of our founders is alive in our time
who still questions the power /of our democracy
tonight / is your answer
its... the answer told by lines that stretched around schools/ and churches
in numbers this nation has never seen
by people who waited/ three hours and four hours
many for the first time in thier lives
becuase they believed/ that this time /must be different
that thier voices/ could be!/ that difference
it's the answer spoken by young and old,/ rich and poor,
Democrat and Republican,/ black, white, /Hispanic, Asian ,
native American, /gay, straight, /disabled and not disabled,
Americans who sent a message to the world
that we have never been/ just a collection of individuals
or a collection of red states and blue states,
we are and always will be, /the united states of America
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