2015년 4월 10일 금요일

Feedback- what girls like from men ?

i thought, i thought 
many guys had interesting about my topics, bu t all is my mistake. 
only Jeff gave us fighting . thank you for Jeff about it .^^
so its a lonely path to survey with my friend , jeong-su
but its a great experience to us. and i regret that i didn't more people to survey. 
its too difficult to survey in only two days. but i tried to do. 
if i searched  more people it would have been better result.

in wednesday
One have interesting and went in to discussion.
In fact , i just want to show my video and chart ,not discussion.
Bur its good .

His thinking is good too.

The small group and surveying was seen shabby 
But i have pelased and  ,i think,  it would be significant.

댓글 1개:

  1. The topic was exciting.
    But survey was a little difficult.
    anyway it was good
